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June 2024 MLS REPORT

The High-Country Real Estate Market of Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, and Watauga Counties saw sales and inventory strong during June. For June there were 171 closed sales on single family, and condo/townhouse properties. That combined closing total came in at $104.5 million for the month. The combined median sales price was $471,461.

 Nationally: According to a recent National Association of Realtors® report “June 2024 brought 3.89 million units with a median sales price of $426,900, and 4.1 months of inventory. The median sales price is up 4.1% year-over-year, and inventory was up 1.0% from June 2023.”

INVENTORY: Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, and Watauga Counties had a single family, condo/townhouse inventory of 812 in active listings during the month and 320 of those being new coming onto the market in June. This is a 4.7 months’ supply of inventory up 50.0% compared to this same time last year.

LAND: There were 1,512 active land listings in our four counties during June. This is a 23.3 months’ supply of inventory for local land.

 COMMERCIAL: Currently reported to the High-Country Multiple Listing Service there are sixty-three commercial properties listed. There were two commercial sales in Ashe County during June for a total of $869,000. Watauga County had one commercial sale in June and that was for $792,778.

 Alleghany County: Realtors closed on ten total residential sales. That median sales price for the county comes in at $418,500 for June. There are currently seventy-four active residential listings for the county. There were five land closings coming in for June with a median sales price of $50,000. There are 252 active land listings in Alleghany County currently.

 Ashe County: Realtors closed on forty residential sales for June and that median sales price came in at $411,285. There are 124 active residential properties in the county. There were thirty-one land sales for June and that median sales price was $48,625. There are currently 439 active land listings in Ashe County.

 Avery County: Realtors closed on twenty-nine residential properties during the month with a median sales price coming in at $388,000 for June. There are 240 active residential properties currently. Avery County saw eight land sale closings in June and that median sales price was $68,000. There are 300 active listings for land in Avery County.

 Watauga County: Realtors closed on ninety-two residential properties in June and that median sales price was the largest for our counties at $549,950. There are 369 active residential properties in the county. There were twenty-one land sales, and that median sales price was $80,000. There are currently 521 active listings for land in Watauga County.

Disclaimer: Figures are based on information from High Country Multiple Listing Service. Data is for informational purposes only and may not be completely accurate due to MLS reporting processes. This data reflects a specific point in time and cannot be used in perpetuity due to the fluctuating nature of markets.

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